Strong & Attractive Company.
Our goal is to build “Strong Partnerships” based on trust and we always focus on the client and ways to provide greater value to fulfill the client’s needs.

to APN.
APN has been a leader in the field of NDT & PWHT services in Korea.
And with the establishment of a branch office (K.S.A, U.A.E, Egypt, Iraq, Oman, Bahrain, Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines) and successful completion of a wide range of NDE & PWHT services in the Middle East and Southeastern Asia.
APN has accumulated a lot of experience and its own ‘know-how’ in gas, petroleum refining, chemical & petrochemical plant, shipbuilding, offshore facilities, various equipment as well as power & energy plants with APN’s high-quality and cost-competitive service not only in the domestic market but also in the Asian and Middle Eastern markets.
Our goal is to build “Strong Partnerships” based on trust and we always focus on the client and ways to provide greater value to fulfill the client’s needs.
Our Service.
General NDT Services
Radiographic Testing(X-rays and Gamma-rays)
Ultrasonic Testing & Wall Thickness Measurement
Magnetic Particle Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Eddy Current Testing
Visual & Leak Testing
Special NDT Services
Computed Radiography
Digital Radiography
ToFD (Time of Flight Diffraction)
PAUT (Phased-Array Ultrasonic Test)
Internal Rotary Inspection System
Positive Material Identification
Welding Inspection
Ferrite Testing
Thermal / Infrared Testing
Tube to Tube Sheet Radiographic Testing
Welder Training & Qualification
Testing for Safety of Explosive and Combustible Containers
Special Inspection of High Pressure Gas Facilities
Shop Inspection
Bridge Inspection
Heat Treatment Services
Local Heat Treatment Services
Furnace Heat Treatment Services
Field Hardness Testing
Our Licenses
Need a quote? Please contact us at the email below.
Or, contact us directly to the following email address: apnbiz@apndt.com